is an easy to remember domain that stands for “ProtonMail me” or “Private Message me.” An address can be set up in a few minutes.

Create a Proton account if you don’t have one already. The username you enter for the address will also be used for your email address.

proton mail account sign-up form

After logging in to your mail account, click on ‘Settings’ in the top-menu bar and then click ‘General.’

Click the activate button and generate encryption keys for the new address.

activating pm me email address in proton mail settings

That’s it! You can now try sending an email to your address and it should appear in your inbox.

After activating the address you’ll be able to receive emails to your address, but mail can only be sent using your address unless you’re on a ProtonMail paid plan.

Visit the Support Article for more information on addresses.

As well as the ProtonMail web app, there is a ProtonMail app available on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. ProtonMail Bridge is an application for paid users that can be used to integrate your ProtonMail account with Mozilla Thunderbird and other email clients.

📝Article last updated on January 18th, 2023